Videos of the Day
Workshop Videos
Workshop A: Research, Innovation and Knowledge and Library Services
Surrey Library Services and SaBP Research Team
Research is integral to promoting high-quality healthcare, leading innovation and evidence-based practice, and delivering services effectively. • Meet the Research Nurses who work in the award winning Research and Development Team at Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust. Come and hear about the latest clinical research trials we are working on, check out our research facilities at Two Bridges, Chertsey, and see if you can support our work by way of patient referrals, spreading the word about our studies in your circle of friends, or taking part yourself. • Meet the NHS Library and Knowledge Services Team who work across Surrey delivering tailored services and resources to Nurses working in all roles and at all career stages. Come and hear about the ways we support you as Nurses with your patient care, professional development, and the research you are undertaking.
Workshop B: Professional Nurse Advocates
Delivered by: Agatha Katsande, Head of Nursing
The Professional Nurse Advocate is a programme championed by Dame Ruth May. The PNA programme was designed to support staff through the pandemic, reduce stress levels and increase resilience of the workforce. This workshop will explore the PNA role, how PNA's support services and how integral PNA's are to the workforce.
Workshop C: Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
Delivered by: Maggie Gairdner, Director of Safety and Experience
Discovering the overriding principles of PSIRF.
Workshop D: Looking After People
Delivered by:
Dr Sophie Dilly, Senior Psychologist at Here For You
Jane Mountain, Occupational Health Manager
Ben Cochrane, Health and Wellbeing Lead
This workshop will explore the theme of health and wellbeing of nurses, as well as acknowledging the impact of the pandemic on nursing today. The last four years have had an enormous impact on the general health and wellbeing of our NHS staff and many may be struggling with a number of physical and psychological difficulties. This workshop will explore areas of mental health and wellbeing, providing a space to reflect and think about our psychological wellbeing and ways to engage in positive steps to look after ourselves. We will also look at ways in which we can pay attention to our physical health and the benefits of engaging in physical wellbeing. This will include tips and strategies on taking a proactive approach to looking after our health and wellbeing at work.